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Figure 14-4. Our model with the Agent entity You want to use stored procedures to handle the insert, update, and delete actions for the model. These stored procedures need to be written so that they leverage the optimistic concurrency support provided in Entity Framework. Do the following to create the stored procedures, import them into the model, and map them to actions: 1. 2. Create the stored procedures in the database using the code in Listing 14-2. Right-click the design surface and select Update Model from Database. Select the stored procedures you created in step 1. Click Finish. This will import the stored procedures into the model. View the Mapping Details window for the Agent entity. Click the Map Entity to Functions button on the left side of the tool window. Map the insert, update, and delete actions to the stored procedures, as shown in Figure 14-5. Make sure you map the Result column to the TimeStamp property for both the insert and update actions. For the update action, check the Use Original Value check box for the procedure s TimeStamp parameter.

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Home > Font Encoders > Barcode Add-In for Microsoft Word® & Excel ® ... For Office 2013, 2016 and 365 IDAutomation recommends the following products:.

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Barcode Add in for Word and Excel - Easily generate barcodes in Microsoft Word and Excel with this add-in . The add-in changes the selected data to a barcode  ...

Listing 14-2. Stored procedures for the insert, update, and delete actions create procedure 14.InsertAgent (@Name varchar(50), @Phone varchar(50)) as begin insert into 14.Agent(Name, Phone) values (@Name, @Phone) select TimeStamp from 14.Agent where Name = @Name and @@ROWCOUNT > 0 end go create procedure 14.UpdateAgent (@Name varchar(50), @Phone varchar(50), @TimeStamp TimeStamp) as begin update 14.Agent set Phone = @Phone where Name = @Name and TimeStamp = @TimeStamp select TimeStamp from 14.Agent where Name = @Name and @@ROWCOUNT > 0 end go create procedure 14.DeleteAgent (@Name varchar(50), @TimeStamp TimeStamp) as begin delete 14.Agent where Name = @Name and TimeStamp = @TimeStamp end pdf 417 reader, word pdf 417, rdlc code 128, pdf text extract, ean 13, pdf editor

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How To Create Barcode In Excel Without Third Party Software - Tech ...
Aug 16, 2017 · One of the simple methods is to install a barcode font to your ... below shows you how to install barcode font and create barcode label in Excel.

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Create + Print Barcodes with Word, Access, Excel , InfoPath. Bar ...
Microsoft Excel Versions prior to 2007 . Choose Insert Object from the menu and select TBarCode SDK (ActiveX ® Control element). A bar code appears instantly in your Microsoft Excel worksheet. In Excel 2007 click the Insert Controls button in the Developer ribbon.

One of the key stages of specifying a business requirement involves asking why the requirement is needed. This question gets asked a second time while the tests are being written. If the customer is involved in either writing or reviewing the test plan, he will think of new things to be tested. Some of these will very likely lead to new requirements that were never thought about in the first place. Writing and reviewing the requirement tests can also help to pick holes in the requirements. Another way to look at this process is the following: When you re writing and reviewing the requirement tests, you re validating the requirements themselves. When you re running (or executing) the requirement tests, you re validating that the finished software matches the requirements.

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The fonts Includes numbers, capital letters, symbols and can be used by most windows and Macintosh software like Word, Excel and WordPad etc.

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Barcode Add-In für Microsoft Excel - YouTube
Jun 16, 2016 · - Dieses Tutorial-Video zeigt Ihnen wie Sie Strichcodes mit Microsoft ...Duration: 3:02 Posted: Jun 16, 2016

Notice that for this method, there is a single argument that accepts an Int32. You declared the ObjectDataSource with an Int32 control parameter on the select statement. The control parameter points to the SelectedIndex property of the ListBox. This has the effect of passing the selected value of the ListBox into the GetBook method of the second ObjectDataSource, which you ll use to bind a DetailsView control to display the book. You can see the entire coil laid out in Figure 11-3. Keep in mind that at this point, there s not a single line of code in the code-behind the EditBook Web Form.

Figure 14-5. Mapping the insert, update, and delete actions to the stored procedures The code in Listing 14-3 demonstrates inserting and updating the database using the stored procedures. In the code, we update the phone numbers for both agents. For the first agent, we update the agent in the object context and save the changes. For the second agent, we do an out-of-band update before we update the phone using the object context. When we save the changes, Entity Framework throws an OptimisticConcurrencyException, indicating that the underlying database row was modified after the agent was materialized in the object context. Listing 14-3. Demonstrating how Entity Framework and our insert and update stored procedures respond to a concurrency violation using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { context.Agents.AddObject(new Agent { Name = "Phillip Marlowe", Phone = "202 555-1212" }); context.Agents.AddObject(new Agent { Name = "Janet Rooney", Phone = "913 876-5309" }); context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new EFRecipesEntities()) { // change the phone numbers var agent1 = context.Agents.Where(a => a.Name == "Janet Rooney").Single(); var agent2 = context.Agents.Where(a => a.Name == "Phillip Marlowe").Single(); agent1.Phone = "817 353-4458";

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Using the Barcode Font in Microsoft Excel (Spreadsheet)
Tutorial in using the Barcode Fonts in Microsoft Excel 2007 , 2010, 2013 or 2016. All the functions ... It is extremely easy to create and print barcodes in Excel .

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Barcode Add -In for Microsoft Excel and Word on Windows and Mac ... Compatible with Word & Excel 2003, 2007 and 2010* for Microsoft Windows or Word ... core barcode scanner, birt upc-a, dotnet core barcode generator, birt qr code

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